“There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
What is Screening?
Screening is simply a process designed to match people with volunteer opportunities that best suit their skills and talents to improve the services provided while maintaining a safe environment
Why Screen?
Screening is our ethical, moral, and legal obligation to our clients, participants, volunteers, and especially our vulnerable community. As an organization, we are required to adhere to all government requirements and best practice standards.
Strengthening Our Caring Community
In 2001, Cardinal Thomas Collins and the Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops mandated the Strengthening Our Caring Community initiative as a part of the larger Archdiocesan Safe Environment policy.
“Strengthening Our Caring Community” was designed to create, maintain, and promote a safe environment for all those we minister to and to support parish volunteers and preserve their safety and integrity while ensuring that we fulfill our duty and obligations as a caring faith community.
Got questions? Please contact your local parish and speak with a screening coordinator to learn more about becoming a volunteer.