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The Saint Monica Institute for Education and Evangelization was founded by Archbishop Thomas Cardinal Collins to provide formation, venues for public policy consideration, and support communities for lay Catholics called to witness in education, parish life, family life, and the public square.  In conjunction with partners inside and outside the Archdiocese of Toronto, we offer courses and certificate programs of apostolic formation as a counterpart to our sister institute, St. Augustine's Seminary, which focuses on the formation of the religious.

Theological formation, certification courses, and additional resources for Catholic School teachers, trustees, parents, and policymakers.
a refugee family stands in a church
Parish Life
Formation, certification, and support for parish leaders, ministers, and helpers in the areas of catechism, sacramental preparation, and outreach.
mom and dad reading to daughter
Family Life
Certifications, courses, workshops and resources for family Catechesis, home schooling, relationships, and the Sacrament of Marriage.
United Nations Assembly Hall in Geneva
The Public Square
Courses, networks, resources, and public policy forums for Catholics active in public life, including candidates public office and professionals.

What's New

A man walks thoughtfully toward a Catholic Hospital

Video Series:
Reflections on Catholic Health Care - Walking with the Good Samaritan

In this remarkable video series, Cardinal Collins and other prominent Catholics explore the disastrous consequences of the secularization and commoditization of the Canadian health care system for the dignity and human fullness of those it seeks to serve.  Featuring host David Mulroney, with Dr Moira McQueen of the Canadian Bioethics Institute, Father Kevin Belgrave, moral theologian of St Augustine's Seminary, and Dr. Pascal Bastien, General Internal Medicine Specialist at the Queensway Carleton Hospital.