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Madonna House Apostolate

Contact Information:
501 Parkside Drive
M6R 2Z9
(416) 761-9965
Miss Smith Cheryl Anne


Known As:
Madonna House Toronto

Mission Statement:
Madonna House Apostolate, founded in 1947 by Catherine de Hueck Doherty, is a community of laymen, women, and priests with headquarters in Combermere, Ontario. At present, there are over 200 members with mission houses spread throughout the North American continent, England, Belgium, Russia and West Indies. In addition, we have more than 100 Associate deacons, priests and bishops around the world. The invitation of G. Emmett Cardinal Carter to open a house in 1982 in the Toronto Archdiocese meant coming "full circle" for Catherine. It was here she began her vocation in 1930 with the founding of Friendship House in Toronto's inner city, answering God's call to identify with the poor. Our life of Nazareth, modeled after that of the Holy Family, is an expression and witness of Christ's command to love one another through our blend of prayer and work; in Catherine's words, "a place where people come in contact with God and the things of God. The very essence of our vocation, so hidden, so humble, so glorious, is to love God passionately by loving others."

Advocacy and Promotion - Pro Life
Advocacy and Promotion - Social Justice
Advocacy and Promotion - Vocations
Education & Formation - Health Care / Life Issues (Family Planning, Sexuality)
Other - Corporal and spiritual works of mercy; house of hospitality & availability to persons of all walks of life; evangelization
Outreach - Elderly
Outreach - Immigrants & Refugees
Outreach - Poor / Homeless
Outreach - Sick / Homebound
Outreach - Youth and Children
Prayer and Spirituality - Marian
Prayer and Spirituality - Resource centre/referrals; spiritual support & advice through prayer and listening/prayer line; give talks on request