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Missionary Families of Christ (MFC)

Contact Information:
M1P 4R9
Seminarian/lay person Francis Baduria


Known As:

Mission Statement:
We strive for holiness of life, as we commit to renew the temporal order through our work with the poor, our work for justice, and our work for life. We are a servant of the Church, working to renew her children through every generation, until the Lord returns once again.

Advocacy and Promotion - Pro Life
Advocacy and Promotion - Social Justice
Education & Formation - Family Life Programs (Marriage Enrichment, Singles, Engaged, Separated)
Other - Liturgical Bible Study, Being a Christian Witness, Evangelization
Outreach - Immigrants & Refugees
Outreach - Poor / Homeless
Outreach - Youth and Children
Prayer and Spirituality - Charismatic
Prayer and Spirituality - Conferences and Workshops
Prayer and Spirituality - Retreat Experiences